Yoga Classes in Peru
Top 5 Best Peru Yoga Classes
Found 2 Yoga Classes activities in Peru. Sort by Popularity.Yoga Classes in Miraflores, Lima
(4.4 of 20 reviews)
Shift your habits and find moments of joy to improve your mental and physical well-being. Using flow, mudras, and opening postures, at Matmax Yoga we will guide you through a class that will help reconnect to a place of appreciati... More
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Start From $15.00

Yoga Classes in Miraflores, Lima
Exellent20 reviews4.4
Shift your habits and find moments of joy to improve your mental and physical well-being. Using flow....
Free Cancellation
Start From $15.00
YogaSurf in Playa Redondo II
(3 of 2 reviews)
Jose Luis and me really enjoy the beach. We can say that surfing, yoga and travel around the world are the most amazing experiences in life, that´s why we decided to share our passion with you. My name is Pati and I am a certifi... More
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Private Tour
Private Tour
Start From $51.29

YogaSurf in Playa Redondo II
Jose Luis and me really enjoy the beach. We can say that surfing, yoga and travel around the world a....
Free Cancellation
Private Tour
Private Tour
Start From $51.29