
Top 5 Best San Juan Islands Wine Tasting & Winery Tours

Found 1 Wine Tasting & Winery Tours activity in San Juan Islands. Sort by Popularity.

The Orcas Project Wine Tasting

(5 of 3 reviews)

Our hosts! Cole S.: A native of Orcas Island. Cole brings Sommelier experience having worked at restaurants including RN74 Seattle and Michael Mina at the Bellagio Resort in Las Vegas. Rachel: Rachel moved to the island from I... More

Start From $28.72
The Orcas Project Wine Tasting

The Orcas Project Wine Tasting

  • San Juan Islands
  • Superb3 reviews5

Our hosts! Cole S.: A native of Orcas Island. Cole brings Sommelier experience having worked at re....

    Start From $28.72